Why is a dog chasing people or a car?

Have you ever wondered why would a dog chase a person or a car?

First, you need to know that most of the time, a dog will not take the initiative to attack people, because this will use up their energy.

The purpose of their chase is mainly to protect their territory, food or kids. They may not necessarily want to hurt you, but just want you to stay away from their possession.

So, you ask “What should you do?”

Don’t Run

Don’t run, but stop! Running may arouse the dog’s hunting instinct and chase you faster and further.

Don’t Shout

Don’t shout at the dog. Yelling loudly may make the dog more aggressive.  

Don’t Look

Don’t look into the dog’s eyes. The dog may see eye contact as a challenge or threat to its dominance. Just pay attention to what the dog is doing so you can react when required.


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