Facts about Calico Cats

About Calico Cat

To be called "Calico", their colours must be present: black, white and orange. Calico cats can be found in many different cat breeds. Common breeds of Calico cat included American Shorthair, American Curl, Persian, Munchkin, Scottish Fold, Exotic Shorthair, and Siberian.

Calico Cats are Female

Approximately 1 Calico in 3,000 is male. So, if you see a Calico cat, you can almost be assured that it will be a female cat. In the 1870s, Calico cats were named the official symbol of fortune in Japan. They’re sometimes called “money cats” here and elsewhere. If you found a male Calico cat in Japan, it is a symbol of luck.

Calico Cats are Princesses

Sometimes loved to stick with people, sometimes they might lose their temper suddenly. Thus, just love them as a princess will do.

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Facts about Tuxedo Cats

Best known with their bi-colour coats.

Facts about Tuxedo Cats

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