Q. I cannot log in, how can I fix this?
Please ensure you are accessing our website directly with a browser and not 3rd party app such as Facebook or Dash.
Additionally, do kindly check to ensure the cookies and Javascript is enabled in your browser. We support most web browsers, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Browser, Edge and more.
If you still encounter the same problem, please email us at support@pets-global.sg with the screenshot of the error for further assistance.
Was this article helpful? Please login to vote Q. I cannot log in, how can I fix this?
Please ensure you are accessing our website directly with a browser and not 3rd party app such as Facebook or Dash.
Additionally, do kindly check to ensure the cookies and Javascript is enabled in your browser. We support most web browsers, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Browser, Edge and more.
If you still encounter the same problem, please email us at support@pets-global.sg with the screenshot of the error for further assistance.
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